You’ve Been Invited to Speak on ISEs3

Hop in The ISE Studio @ OSC w/Erich



THANK YOU for being our guest on ise Season 3!

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GUidelines and representative questions follow...

You've Been Invited to Speak on ISEs3
First off, a few things to keep in mind:
  • This is for a global community that is interested in the past, present, and future of Enablement. 
  • Therefore please have some fun thinking about the people that you’ve interacted with along the way and plan to share a few shoutouts.
  • Guests have shared that it is helpful (and fun!) to enjoy a little bit of time on LinkedIn piecing together and jotting down some names and (general) dates of key characters in your enablement journey.
Here’s an idea of the questions I have in mind.  Guidelines, not set in stone.  Feel free to suggest others that are most appropriate to your journey.
Before we dive in, I will introduce you with a few high level bullets.  It is helpful to tell me anything important that I may not be able to glean from your LinkedIn profile …like maybe a fun nickname, or something else only known by your community, etc.
I will then hand the mic over to talk for a minute or two *purely* about your personal journey / career …and leave “Sales Enablement” out of it (per se – not need to avoid it entirely) for the time being.  We’ll have the rest of the time for that! 
THEN, we will dive in through the Sales/Revenue Enablement lens…
Q1: When did you first hear the words “Sales Enablement” and what did/do they mean to you?
Q2: How, where, and when does the (then Sales / now Revenue) Enablement Society fit into your timeline and professional journey?
Q3: Did/do any/all of the founding positions of the Sales Enablement Society have meaning to you?  If so, shout out one or two…
  1. Position 1: Sales enablement is a strategic approach to eliminating friction across four primary areas (talent, message, demand management, administration) of the commercial process.
  2. Position 2: To accomplish this mission, sales enablement needs to be chartered and run as a cross-functional business within a business.
  3. Position 3:  The aspirational end state of the role is to evolve into “Chief Productivity Officer.”
Q4: Any good stories that could be considered “Sales Enablement History” …or even “lore,” something unknown to the larger community or maybe simply additional context that maybe you haven’t shared before, for which you had a front-row seat?
Q5: The SES Exec Board announced, at the annual SES Experience 2023 in San Diego, that they were “evolving” to become the RES – “Revenue” Enablement Society. What are your thoughts on “Sales” vs. “Revenue” Enablement?  New title, same function?  Two different things?  Evolution? Regression?
Q6: In season 3 of ISE we are focusing on “Enablement History” and so far we have primarily focused on the past.  What about the PRESENT?  Of what attribute or aspect of the Enablement function are you most passionate …or maybe simply flat out curious TODAY?
Q7: And …I’m sure you see this coming …the FUTURE.  What’s NEXT for the “Enablement Evolution?”  Or, in the future, will Enablement even be a thing?
Get ready to have some fun “in the Orchestrate Sales Studios” with me capturing a few pages of YOUR Enablement history.  THANK YOU in advance for taking the time to share your story with me, and, more importantly, the global Revenue Enablement community!

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